Monday, March 30, 2009


Here is a new picture of Philanthe with her new friends. Even though. when we see the horse, we see a rocking horse. But, in: 'real life' she is a grey mare named 'Silvermist'. The dog is a female named 'Lady'.
Since I had another bout of IBS, Hb. has been helping with the dusting and such. So, I have been able to play with some of my toys as I change and rearrange things. We do just a little each day. No, hurry.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Since I go nowhere anymore nor do anything. All I have left are memories. No more dreams.
Our ballet company is presenting five performances of 'Mid-Summer's Night's Dream'. In April. My very favorite Shakespeare play. And in ballet form. Two for one. But, am I able to go? No. I am so sorry for myself. The last ballet We attended was 'Sleeping Beauty' in the city by their ballet company. Back in the late 80's. That is a wonderful corps. Such exquisite dancers. (Oh, boy, that IS another story.) Ours is a very good company too. They are in financial straights because of the economy. Aren't we all? But it's my health, not finances that keeps me from being able to go. Sigh.
Oh, I did not at all care for that movie that came out. Callista Lockheart ruined it. She was very mis-cast. Although Kevin Kleine's interpretation of Bottom was very original and sympathetic. I usually do not care for that character. Kevin made him a romantic rather than a vulgar rustic. All rustics are not vulgar. They are just plain simple people, who live their lives totally un-insulated from all of 'the slings and arrows of everyday' fortune.
This is a picture of Titania and Bottom after he had been transformed to the donkey.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I forgot to do a Spring entry. Oh, well. We had two days of Spring in between rains. But, we very much need the rain. We are in our fifth year of technical drought. We have been asked to try to cut our water use by 15%. Hb. and I have been careful with our water use since the first bad one, maybe about 30 years ago. If we go down much more. We won't be using very much.
We had some rains over the weekend. However, no rain for the next 7 days.


Two of my tulips were able to come through and give me two blooms.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I haven't done much. Except go to Dr.s. First off, last November, I woke up one morning, and noticed an odd anomaly in my right eye. Kind of a funky curved line in my eyesight. I thought, uh, oh. What's going on here? I waited to see, if it was a temporary thing or not. Then my IBS kicked up and I was too sick to go anywhere. Well, thank goodness I subscribe to several women's magazines. Because in the December issues there was a a full page bulletin about AMD-age-related maccular degeneration. I read that in great dismay. So I called Kaiser, where I have my health care, and after a difficult time, finally got an appointment with an opthalmologist. Well, yes, turns out I have the beginnings of AMD. A blot on the left side of my right eye. Almost in the direct line of my eyesight. There goes any sewing or needlework I want to do. Also, gets in the way and warps things when I try to draw.
The first doctor sent me to the main Kaiser to a specialist to confirm. I had an appt. with that specialist Friday 6th. And for now it has not grown much. He will see me again in June.
AMD has no cure. I also have the beginnings of cataracts too. Those can be helped.
Then, I have dental work to be done. I just had a root canal on a front tooth. Now the cap to be done.
So, that's the update to my life. Exciting? Humm?
Winter wasn't cold enough, so my tulips didn't come up and we only had two daffodils. We usually get at least a dozen. Although we did have 7 Callas so far.
I have to give up the Gerber Daisies. The snails and slugs love them and positively thrive on the snail bait.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I have the second dress finished. Now I feel like I can go back to the green dress for my other doll. And yes, this dress is all hand stitched.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I finally had to come to the realization, that my choices for TV programming had boiled down to only two. It is either cooking or crime! When it comes to those so-called reality shows, I do not even consider. They are about really stupid people getting on TV and showing their ignorance and idiocy.
So, after about 50 years of watching TV and liking the content. I find myself just turning the set off for hours at a time. I sew, draw, sleep or do small things that need done. Visit with my Hb. Do some organizing. Never thought I would go without the TV.
There has been a study done that says there are more older people watching TV. Mainly boomers who never watched much before. And they really like those incredibly stupid reality shows. EGAD!!!! They will never know about some pf the great shows that came before.
I remember the rants fron the TV critics during the 50's and sixties. HAH!! Wonder if any are still around now.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This is a design I drew for a dress I am sewing for my little fashion doll. I am having a bit of a time with it. My hands sometimes don't want to do what need them to do. The picture is of the page in my journal, where I am keeping a record of what I make this year.
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