Friday, March 27, 2009


Since I go nowhere anymore nor do anything. All I have left are memories. No more dreams.
Our ballet company is presenting five performances of 'Mid-Summer's Night's Dream'. In April. My very favorite Shakespeare play. And in ballet form. Two for one. But, am I able to go? No. I am so sorry for myself. The last ballet We attended was 'Sleeping Beauty' in the city by their ballet company. Back in the late 80's. That is a wonderful corps. Such exquisite dancers. (Oh, boy, that IS another story.) Ours is a very good company too. They are in financial straights because of the economy. Aren't we all? But it's my health, not finances that keeps me from being able to go. Sigh.
Oh, I did not at all care for that movie that came out. Callista Lockheart ruined it. She was very mis-cast. Although Kevin Kleine's interpretation of Bottom was very original and sympathetic. I usually do not care for that character. Kevin made him a romantic rather than a vulgar rustic. All rustics are not vulgar. They are just plain simple people, who live their lives totally un-insulated from all of 'the slings and arrows of everyday' fortune.
This is a picture of Titania and Bottom after he had been transformed to the donkey.

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